Take care of your creation

A handmade creation doesn't have the same characteristics as a factory-made item produced in thousands of copies.

Throughout the prototyping and manufacturing phases, I test my creations from every angle (and I'm not gentle). I'm surrounded by experienced professionals who check the solidity and quality of my work, and they're just as picky as I am!

Of course, I'm still a human being who manages everything on her own. I don't have a high-powered machine to do all the manufacturing for me, nor the means to carry out automated strength tests.

Here's my advice for keeping your creations in tip-top shape!

Quick links : broochesinterchangeable pencil caseshand screen printed pouchesphone pouchestotebagsbanners



The brooches are waterproof: the visual is securely fixed and won't come off even if you try to drown it!

If the edges of your brooch fray, don't worry: it's perfectly normal, just cut the excess threads. Once it's close to the seam, it won't fray again, as I sewed with a very tight stitch. 

Cleaning and ironing

If your brooch is dirty, you can wash it! I advise you to remove the pin at the back to prevent it from rusting, but if you don't wash it often, it shouldn't be a problem.

In the washing machine:
You can put your brooch in the washing machine, in a delicate laundry net or a small pouch to prevent it from floating around in the drum. Preferably wash at 30°C.

In a bowl:
Lazy to run a machine?
Put your brooch in a bowl of water with a little detergent or dishwashing liquid. Just scrub! If you want to brighten up the white of the fabric, you can add a teaspoon of sodium percarbonate and leave to soak for a few hours. 

Avoid the tumble-dryer, and let your brooch air-dry!

Put a piece of baking paper or a thin cloth between your brooch and the iron. Don't iron directly on the visual. For temperature, choose the cotton program!


Since my first sale in 2020, two brooches have lost their pins. Now, obviously, I don't make the clasps for my brooches! But when you love a creation, you don't want to put it aside just because of a lost pin. 

You can send the brooch back to me and I'll sew a new clasp for it. You only have to pay the outward postage (it fits in a letter!), and I'll send it back to you free of charge.

If you want to repair it yourself, I can send you a pin. That's free too!

Trousse unique pour les artistes en vadrouille. En forme de tigre, entièrement faite à la main.

Interchangeable pencil cases

Your kit's visual is rain-proof and weather-resistant, so let it air-dry once your artistic adventure is over. 


Just like my other screen-printed creations, you can clean your pencil case if it gets dirty!

Prefer delicate hand cleaning if the stain is localized. Put a little detergent or dishwashing liquid (or other, depending on the nature of the stain you need to clean) and rub gently with water until it's clean.

In the washing machine:
You can put your pencil case in the washing machine, in a delicate laundry net or a small pouch to prevent it from wandering around in the drum. Preferably wash at 30°C.

Avoid tumble-drying, let your pencil case air-dry!

Put baking paper or a thin cloth between your pencil case and the iron, and don't iron directly on the visual. For the temperature, choose the cotton program!
There's a thin thermo-glue inside your roll and the Crayons parts. It will be reactivated with the heat of the iron.


I chose a button system for my interchangeable pencil cases for a reason: it's much easier to repair!

There's nothing simpler to replace: you're sure to have buttons lying around, we get them when we buy shirts or pants for example, sometimes with a little sewing kit.

A needle, a piece of thread, a button: you can find it and sew it on in less than a minute. No need to send the kit back to me, no need for complicated procedures. I can even send you a button if you don't like mismatched ones!


Pochette sérigraphiée faite à la main, motif Lémurien-bouffe.

Hand screen printed pouches

Like all my screen-printed items, the visuals on my pouches are waterproof. Did you drop it during your canoe trip? Don't worry, let it sunbathe!


In the washing machine:
You can put your kit in the washing machine, in a delicate laundry net or a small pouch to prevent it from wandering around in the drum. Preferably wash at 30°C.

Avoid the tumble-dryer, let your pouch air-dry!

Put baking paper or a thin cloth between your pouch and the iron, and don't iron directly on the visual. For the temperature, choose the cotton program!


The button's gone? It's easy to replace: you've always got buttons lying around, we get them when we buy shirts or pants for example, sometimes with a little sewing kit.

A needle, a piece of thread, a button: you can find it and sew it on in less than a minute. No need to send the pouch back to me, no need for complicated procedures. I can even send you a button if you like! If the cord is damaged, I can send you one too.  


Phone pouches

They can be washed all the way from the tail to the cord! 


In the washing machine:
You can put your pouch in the washing machine, in a delicate laundry net or a small pouch to prevent it from wandering around in the drum. Preferably wash at 30°C.

Air-drying is always better! But the phone pouch can be tumble-dried, and so can the cord. Just don't put it in too often or for too long (10 - 15 minutes is enough), and don't use a scorching hot cycle.

Put baking paper or a thin cloth between your pouch and the iron, and don't iron directly on the visual. For the temperature, choose the cotton program!


Grand totebag avec une pochette zippée à l'intérieur. Fabriqué en matières recyclées, imprimé en France.


Here's my printer's advice on how to look after your totebag, so that it stays with you as long as possible during your shopping spree.


In the washing machine:
You can wash your bag at 30°C.

Avoid the tumble dryer, let it air dry!

Put baking paper or a thin cloth between your totebag and the iron, and don't iron directly on the visual. For the temperature, choose the cotton program!


Fanion décoratif sérigraphié artisanalement et fait à la main pour accrocher des pin's


Like my other screen-printed items, the banners aren't scared of water. They are made from old advertising bags (cotton) and fabrics from my old Holiday collections. Inside, there's a layer of washable felt. 


In the washing machine:
You can wash your banner at 30°C.

Avoid the tumble dryer, let it air dry!

Put baking paper or a thin cloth between your banner and the iron, and don't iron directly on the visual. For the temperature, choose the cotton program!